leadership in dynamic, changing profession, leading organizations
of 16K to over 30K people. Rose to highest leadership level.
efficient manager with solid administrative skills having managed
large, multi-million dollar organizations, making tough prioritization
decisions under constrained resource conditions while staying “people” focused. Budgets
for last three positions were $200M, $287M, and $880M, respectively.
Latin American
Geo-Politico Issues
directly to the President and the Secretary of Defense, working
with US Ambassadors in Latin America and the Caribbean and with
other US government decision makers. Developed and conducted US
foreign policy throughout the hemisphere. Promoted American
interests in Central and South America and the Caribbean during
a fiscally and politically constrained time. Forged regional
partnerships focused on common goals between neighboring nations
in the hemisphere. Built relationships within the region
that increased military cooperation both regionally and internationally
United States
Government Interagency process
Skilled at maneuvering
through the United States Interagency process successfully. Twenty
years experience at all levels of the process including the highest
levels of government, most recently as the Combatant Commander of
the US Southern Command. Successful at maintaining and increasing
Congressional and Department of Defense budget allocations while
building further cooperation in an environment of scarce and diminishing
vision and strategic direction to and managed a planning process
for three large and diverse organizations during the past nine
Change Agent
a multi-million dollar organization from the bottom up. “Out
of the box” thinker able to anticipate and execute change.
One of Army’s key leaders in doctrinal, organizational and
equipment transformation efforts. Chosen to lead development of
Army’s first two revolutionary STRYKER brigade combat teams. Quick
to see correlation between family well being and organizational
well being. Leader in instituting and institutionalizing
family programming
and Communication Skills
experienced communicator. Skilled at communicating ideas,
vision and goals in print and in the television media as well as
to live audiences, domestic and international. Proven ability to
work closely, comfortably and effectively in a multicultural environment
with people around the world, in the Far East, Europe and in our
own hemisphere at the highest levels of government and private
Cultural Awareness
known and respected throughout Latin America and the Caribbean.
Well known for sensitivity and awareness of environmental
and cultural issues. Established award winning environmental and
cultural awareness programs in Hawaii and Washington State. "Green
Logging" program in Washington state the only one in DOD.
Worked closely with environmental and ethnic groups, winning their
trust, respect and cooperation.
Team Building
as a team player, collegial decision-maker and consensus builder. Inclusive
management style, able to work effectively with wide array of personalities,
nationalities, and ethnic groups.
Partnership Building
partnerships with Latin
American decision makers, US ambassadors, US and Latin “influence
drivers” including key members of the US Congress which improved
understanding of complex regional issues and enhanced regional
cooperation. In disparate, culturally diverse
locations, established partnerships both internationally as well
as with state and local governments, school districts and military
communities to enhance communication and cooperation towards achieving
a common goal. Award winning, enduring programs remain viable
experience in dealing comfortably with high-ranking dignitaries,
foreign and domestic. For two plus years successfully articulated
US security policy to Latin American presidents and other foreign
senior military and civilian leadership. Planned and executed
a comprehensive two year process to negotiate a multimillion dollar
housing project resulting in the largest privatization contract
at that time for military housing.